Reguly 200

200 years ago, in 1819…

In 1819 Sándor Kőrösi Csoma set out to the East, Fábián Szeder published his ethnographic description of the Palóc people and István Reguly, the lawyer of the Cistercian Abbey of Zirc had a son born. On 11th July the boy was christened Antal after his godfather Antal Dréta, the Abbot of Zirc.

Already in 1843, Antal Reguly was called 'the Kőrösi Csoma of the North' as he had become a dedicated researcher of the origins of the Hungarians, as his ancestor used to be. He travelled all around Finland and visited the settlements of Finno-Ugric peoples in Russia carrying out linguistic, ethnographic and topographic research. In 1857 Reguly collected material for his ethnographic, linguistic and anthropological research among the Palóc people. He died in 1858 when he was only 39 years old taking his enormous knowledge with him into his grave. It was decades later that his original priceless collection, lacking translation and explanatory notes, had been discovered by researchers for detailed study.

The Reguly Memorial Year between 11th July 2019 and 23rd August 2020 celebrates the 200th Anniversary of the birth of the Zirc-born scholar. This page is home to events and commemorations organized across Hungary. More program ideas are warmly welcome.


11th-14th July 2019. Reguly Festival (Zirc, Reguly Antal Museum and House of Arts and Crafts)

3rd September 2019. Reguly Conference (Érd, Museum of Geography)

 28th September 2019. Movie Day (Budapest, University Library)

12th October 2019. The Day of Uralic Peoples (Zirc, Reguly Antal Museum and House of Arts and Crafts)

17th October 2019. Reguly Memorial Meeting (Budapest, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

19th October 2019.  The Day of Uralic Peoples (Budapest, Reguly Society)

26th-30th October 2019. The Reguly Quiz (Zirc, The Bakony Finnish Friendship Association)

Spring 2020.  'Regulyversum' – The opening of the permanent exhibition (Zirc, Reguly Antal Museum and House of Arts and Crafts)

11th July 2020. Reguly Festival (Zirc, Reguly Antal Museum and House of Arts and Crafts)

23rd August 2020. Closing Ceremony (Zirc, Reguly Antal Museum and House of Arts and Crafts)

And more to come … Traveling exhibitions, lectures and related activities across the country (at the Picnic of Museums, at the Valley of Arts Festival etc.)

Website by InnoTeq